There are four roles for the administration around the debit card.
In short, these are the main differences:
Admin |
Card admin |
Card group manager |
Card user |
Would you like to get a detailed overview of all rights per card role? We have listed
everything for you in this article.
The administrator is granted full amnis privileges. As such, they enjoy unrestricted access to all debit card functions and banking rights within the amnis WebApp. Admin rights are usually assigned to a user upon creating the amnis account.
This role includes full trading and signing authority, along with the ability to manage the rights and limits of other users. Additionally, the administrator can add new users to the account, extending these permissions to the debit card as well: the admin automatically has the same permissions as the card admin role described in the next section and can assign further rights to other roles or set restrictions.
For more information on the admin role, go to this article.
Card admin
The card admin has the same rights as the administrator concerning the debit card and enjoys unrestricted access to a comprehensive card overview, transaction history, and card settings, including card groups. This allows them to perform tasks such as issuing new cards and setting spending limits. However, outside of the debit card section, the card admin does not have access to any other banking features within the amnis WebApp unless explicitly granted by the administrator.
Card group manager
Card group managers are responsible for managing all the cards assigned to their designated group, such as cards for an entire team or project. While they do not have the authority to issue new cards or modify card settings, they can perform essential tasks such as activating or suspending group cards and monitoring group card transactions to track budgets.
Card user
A card user is the card holder of a debit card. This can be an employee who has the exclusive right to only use his/her card. They have access to their transaction history and can, for example, block their card in case of loss or suspected fraud.
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